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Fireworks Night

Fireworks Night

Christian Sangiuseppe8 Oct 2022 - 21:12

Remember remember... SATURDAY 12TH NOVEMBER

Don't miss Folkestone's BEST fireworks display at Folkestone Rugby Club on Saturday 12th November... All the usual facilities will be in place, Outdoor BBQ, Bar/Tea Huts (cash only), Lots of Parking and possibly a floodlit game after the display!

Due to the current squeeze on everyone's finances and despite the increase in the costs of the display and putting on this event, the entrance fee will remain at just £5 per person again this year!

Unfortunately our card machines are WiFi only and the signal doesn't reach outdoors so please make sure you have the correct change for entry. Only the Clubhouse Bar upstairs will be accepting card payments for other bar purchases on the night.

We have suffered from our own success so we must insist those attending arrive no earlier than 4.45 pm. We have a strict limit on numbers for health and safety reason and once the car park is full, the gates will closed and cars will be waived past. Please DO NOT park on the road leading to the club, this causes a safety hazard for all concerned and has been noted by authorities that grant us permission to run this life blood event.

The display will start at 7.30pm so cars arriving after 7.15pm will most likely be waived-on.

Our stewards will be parking and patrolling; please bear in mind we are all volunteers and are all trying to do our best for the club and for its visitors, please bear this in mind if airing any frustrations or complaints on the night. Rudeness or abuse to volunteers and staff will not be tolerated and may result in visitors being ejected from the event.

CLICK HERE to join our Facebook Event!

• Saturday 12th November 2022
• Arrive no earlier than 4.45pm
• Fireworks start at 7:30pm
• Free parking
• No advanced tickets - Limited Numbers
• £5 per person admission (payable in cash only at the gate on arrival)
• BBQ & Drinks/Tea Huts (cash only)
• Fully licenced Clubhouse Bar (card payments accepted)

Further reading