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Your Club Needs You!

Your Club Needs You!

Christian Sangiuseppe26 Aug 2021 - 13:32
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Volunteers needed to support our growing Minis and Youth section.

Training and matches for our Mini and Youth section start on Sunday the 5th September, thanks to the efforts of coaches and parents during a very disrupted 2020/21 season we expect to see record numbers of youngsters lacing up their boots, popping in their gumshields and getting back into full-on rugby.

To make sure that we are able to provide the best opportunities for our young players we really need your help, our club is run by volunteers and the more we have the better the service we can provide to our members.

If you have the time and enthusiasm to get involved in any of the following we would really appreciate your help – coaching, team management, safeguarding, refereeing, fixtures, recruitment, kit & equipment, first aid & physio and fundraising.

We have a great team of friendly people already involved who can help show you the ropes and would expect it to take no more than 1-2 hours of your time each week, although there are no restrictions on how much you can help out!

If you would like to know more and can offer your help in any way please contact our Mini & Youth Chairperson, Dan Pitkin.

Further reading